Thursday, May 17, 2007

Just Force It...

Every since I found out that people actually read this thing I have been trying to write more.´s been quite awhile since my last entry.

I wish I could write something profound everyday but truth be told, most days I dont think about many profound things. I tried to force myself to write something the last couple of weeks but it was rubbish. I didnt even want to read it. I think somtimes it is easy to get caught in the mindset that our lives (my live) is a show. That there is an audience watching and waiting to see what happens next. And at some point this mindset can dictate our actions, good or bad, right or wrong. I am trying my hardest to not let this trip, this blog, be a show for an audience. When that happens, instead of writing honest and naked thoughts I write to impress. In this case, I might as well not write at at all...

Thursday, May 3, 2007