Sunday, June 22, 2008


Recently, I was thinking about not writing on this anymore.

I had/have a very strong conviction that our current culture promotes a very "I" life style, as if our lives are a Broadway show to be played out in front of an audience. I know for many people this is not the case, but I have constantly fell into this. And when that happens I lose something sacred about myself, about being alive.

This blog has become that to me. It has become a show, something for people to look at and clap at, to disagree with, to applaud, to compliment.

I have made a promise to myself that when I realize I am putting my life on show, I will immediately get off the stage, or more accurately, close the curtains. I know there are probably only 5 people who read this thing, but I guess thats besides the point. A promise is a promise.

So instead of ending this blog, I am just going to take a break. A summer vacation. I think they call it a sabbatical.

See you in September.

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