Wednesday, December 12, 2007


In 10 months, there has been a handfull of times, or moments as I like to call them when I am instantly and overwhelmingly reminded that I am living my dream. That being here is exactly where I am suppose to be and everything becomes peaceful in that moment.

Yesterday I experienced another of these moments.

As I sat on the top of a "junk boat" with the wind blowing in my face and the sun setting in the distance, I watched the seemingly endless and beautiiful islands that make up Ha Long Bay in northern Vietnam slowly glide by. And very softly I thought to myself:

This is my dream.

This country. This boat. These people. This is why I didnt go out to dinner twice that week. This is why I didnt by those jeans.

To be here. To do this.

We are rarely given the opportunity to actually do what our crazy minds think up.

I thank God for this.

1 comment:

jb said...

i'm glad you are "following your dream" (please pardon the cheesy phrases). most people don't do that. most people don't even let themselves dream their dreams. nice work my friend. sweet dreams.