Thursday, November 29, 2007

Breakfast With God

The week before I left Beijing, I had been craving eggs $ bacon. It wasn't a strong "go out of my way to find it" craving but it was definitely on my mind. That said...

For the last few months I have been wrestling with God over some things I disagree with and can't get my mind around. I feel like a child who is throwing a temper tantrum because his Dad said something he didn't like. I believe we go through times when its hard to digest all that is God and when it becomes too much we shut down. We turn off. This is probably the worst thing we can do but we all do it. Its easier to stop thinking sometimes than to think things through. But it's the struggles that we work through that make us who we are.

When we are not struggling we are not thinking and when we are not thinking, we are not living.

I knew this but somehow forgot it until last Sunday.

The Sunday before I left Beijing, a couple friends of mine wanted to go get coffee and invited me. We went to a place I had never been. I didn't think much of it until the menu came. Guess what was on it - Eggs & Bacon. It was like God said with a small voice "Here you go Mike. Its nothing special but I wanted you to know I was thinking about you. Hang in there."

Thanks for breakfast.

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