Wednesday, April 16, 2008

On the Go

Russ (my good friend from California) and I have been "on the go" now for about 2 weeks. We have traveled from one coast of India to the other and will be heading north in a day.

Contrary to popular belief traveling like this can be a boat load of work!:

Booking bus tickets becuase the train is sold out, then finding out a state border is closed due to fighting. Rebooking the bus tickets. Arriving in a new city at 11pm and trying to find a hotel that is open, not to mention one that is clean. Knowing how much money you have but also what you want to do and trying to reconcile the two in your head. Trying to plan an itenerary but all the while knowing that whatever you plan will never actually play out that way and trying to keep a calm and good spirited mind about it all.

I wont even bring up the fact that we are India, one of the most interesting, hard to understand countries I have been to on my journey!

But you know, with all that said, the actual hard part about traveling like this is trying to say focused on your daily struggles and thoughts and not getting consumed with the bigger picture of traveling and inteneraries. Its easy to stop caring about people and treating them will love when you are stressed out about how you are going to make it to the next city.

Its easy to forget about the little things that make us human: smiling or laughing with a stranger, complimenting someone, saying thank you and meaning it at the smallest of gestures.

I dont think that this concept is tied to traveling around India.

It happens to us all. Everyday. Whoever we are. Wherever we are:

I have to drop the kids at school today, but Timmy has to be there early because of band practice. Dont forget to pack their lunches. Is Barbara picking them up today? The car needs and oil change but I cant do it until Sunday. I really hope that Bob come through with his side of the deal this time. I cant keep picking up his slack.

And in the meantime you forgt to kiss your wife goodbye and tell your kids you love them and mean it. Or smile at the old lady crossing the street.

Its the same in India as it is in California. Its the same or a 25 year old vagabond kid and a 50 year old business man:

Life is busy and stressful and overwhelming and makes it easy to forget that there is alot more to life than just living.

I think that wherever and whoever we are, at some point in our day we need to be able to say to ourselves, "This is it. This is living." Whether is comes from smiling at a stranger, kissing your wife or girlfriend, or playing soccer with a couple of random kids, it doesnt matter.

Just by doing this we are acknowledging that we ARE alive outside the noise and struggles and stresses of our lives.

This is it. This is living.

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